Friday 25 May 2007

Welcome to Perth, Western Austraila

Country number 2 on my great big trip. I flew in over night via Jo'burg and landed at lunch time today. I've already booked my bus out of town too! It's not that bad here though, I just want to get up to Coral Bay and dive off Ningaloo reef with the whale sharks ASAP. I'll check Perth out a bit more cos I need to get back here to fly to Alice Springs in 2 weeks.

The flight was fine, although South African Airways seats are small and they don't have individual TVs in the seats! Plus I was sat next to an old granddad who spent the 9-hour flight coughing and popping pills & medicine...I worried he might die on me during the night!!

For tonight I have booked into a backpackers - I'm in a 4 bed dorm (2 bunk beds) with 3 other English guys who have been in Perth about 6 weeks. They are out for a birthday tonight and I need to be at the bus station by 08:30 tomorrow, so when they wake me up tonight I'll get them back by waking them up in the morning! I have plenty of time sleep on 19 hour bus journey though. I'm totally roughing it like normal people!! A big change to the 5-star guest houses and top notch restaurants I enjoyed in South Africa.

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