Sunday 17 June 2007

When Animals Attack!!

To get to Josephine Falls, near Innisfail, you have to walk along a 700m path through the rainforest. It was pretty wet as it's a rainforest, but also it had been raining that morning. I was wearing flip flops (I still haven't started calling them thongs like Aussies do!), and I enjoyed seeing the falls.

Back on the bus I noticed a little worm or slug like think inbetween two toes. I tried to flick it off but it didn't budge, so I flicked harder. When it didn't move that time I got a little worried about what it was so pulled it off my toe.

It was only a bloody leech and I started to bleed a surprising amount! It's okay, I survived the ordeal and mopped up the blood with a tissue.

Another example of how you can't turn your back for a minute on the savage Australian wildlife!!

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