Tuesday 5 June 2007

Next stop Uluru

I'm back in Perth tonight, thankfully after a much more straight forward trip back from Exmouth on the bus. Just the 'usual' 19.5 hours rather that a day and a half like the journey north!
Before I left on Monday I had 2 final dives on Ningaloo Reef - saw an olive sea snake, an octopus, a scorpion fish, a few more wobbegong sharks, trigger fish. It was really challenging diving conditions with strong swells and surges and poor vis at 2-3 metres only. A test of diving though and I was happy with how I coped. Ningaloo was amazing, it was sad to leave (esp. after I heard the whale shark tour on Monday saw 7 sharks all over 7 metres long. Bast*rds!!)

Tomorrow I fly to Alice Springs and then the day after that go camping in the Red Centre so am fairly certain I'll be offline for a couple of days. No worries, I'll be back on the blog with amazing photos of Uluru hopefully.
Enjoy the UK weather - up to 25c at the weekend hey - hotter than Alice Springs, which is only maxing at about 14c! I thought the outback was a hot desert, maybe I got mixed up...

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