Thursday 16 August 2007

Thailand: 6 hours ahead of BST

I'm here, arrived safely and only a little late yesterday evening, finally got to bed at 2am local time, 25 hours after I woke up in Auckland. Didn't get any sleep on plane so feel a bit jaded still.

I'm back on my UK mobile +447971832797 in case you need it.


Anonymous said...

Juice - have you been kidnapped? Your blog has gone very quiet.

Anonymous said...

Juuuuuiiice! I finally got around to reading your blog-even went all the way back to the beginning. It wasn't nearly as dull as Kel said. Im very impressed by your extreme sports-and your managing to do them in designer colors. Loved the video but couldn't get the sound off mute, so missed the best part. Dissapointed that, after all the requests for you to sex it up, your mountainous peaks vs bush didnt draw any comments. Touched by your footnote about 'Takeapo' to spare your dear friends the humiliation. And, lastly, moved by your comparison of the glow worms to 'a starry night sky'. This trip has obviously brought out the latent poet in you. We all miss you and are waiting in quivering anticipation to be invited over for the slide show evening :)


Sam and Andy said...

Ah Esther, thanks for your excellent comments - you have I believe submitted the longest comment yet. Awesome work!