Tuesday 31 July 2007

Milford Sound

Billed as one of the world's greatest scenic areas.

Well it was good, but loads of low clouds meant I didn't get to see it in its full glory. The Mitre Peak is the most photographed icon in the sound - it towers nearly 1,700 metres high - but half of it was hidden by clouds today. Boo.

It's a long way to go - about 4 hours coach journey each way - for a cold boat ride on a dreary fjord. (Capt Cook misnamed it a sound (created by a river) when in fact it's a fjord (created by glaciers)).

Having said that, I'm glad I went and tried to appreciate it. It was on my list of definite things to do in NZ after all. At least our weather was better than yesterday - it was torrential rain. Plus the road to Milford has been closed due to avalanche and only just re-opened so I was lucky in that respect.

I attach some of the better photos, I took loads but most didn't come out very well as the contrast between the bright white clouds and the dark wet mountains was too much for my camera to take!

Milford Sound

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