Sunday 22 April 2007

Cape Town tourist stuff

I've been in Cape Town a few days now and have seen some of the tourist spots. Top of the list was the V&A (Victoria & Alfred not Albert) Waterfront where Sam & I ate lunch seal spotting and walked around the shops.
Yesterday we went to a neighbourhood food market in Woodstock, which is one of the dodgier parts of town. We parked on a corner next to a shady bar advertising five 500ml beers for 32 rand (about 2 quid). I think it would have cost me a lot more than that if I would have strolled up to the bar and asked in my plumiest British accent for a shandy and gin & tonic for the lady!
Great food at the market though, which was actually full of well off trendies who flood the area for one morning of the week only.
After that we went for a drive towards the cape past Chapman's Peak and then up to Cape Point itself, which is a short stroll from the Cape of Good Hope. Not to be confused, as I did, with the southern most point of Africa, this is actually Cape Agulhas.
The drive took us through Simon's Town where penguins live but we didn't stop this time, then onto Kalk Bay for a beer at Dixies (cos we couldn't find the better local bar called the Brass Bell!).
Today I have been out to the Durbanville wine area and had lunch with Sam's family at one of the wine farms, it was a buffet and wonderful food & drink.
On Tuesday our road trip starts, so I'll let you know more about that in a few days. Next time I'll leave some photos and stuff too.
Bye for now


Caz said...

Juice - am I able ti upload photos onto here, or is it only the editor (i.e. you) that can upload photos? I have a good one from your leaving drinks.

Sam and Andy said...

Hi Caz, only I can edit the blog. But if you email it to my gmail account I can upload it. Thanks