Friday, 30 March 2007

South African road trip takes shape

Sam has been a star organising our road trip and has booked us into a game reserve lodge north of Durban, called Leopard Mountain. It looks amazing.
You can see from the location of this game reserve that we are going far in the car. Starting from Cape Town of course then heading east along the Garden Route before heading north east towards the game park and Sodwana, which is supposed to be some of the best diving in South Africa. Sodwana Bay is not far south of Mozambique.

I really just want to start my trip now. All this planning and thinking about it is testing my patience!

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Holly Bea Lewis - 7 weeks old

View photos from my last visit to see my cool niece.
Holly 3rd March - 7 weeks old

Great news - the flat is let!

Yeah. Subject to references I have let my flat to a nice couple called Jay & Jess. It's a huge relief not to have to use expensive blood-sucking estate agents (sorry any agents reading this!). That is the biggest pre-trip job I had to organise and now it's done & dusted.
I just have to find somewhere to live from 9th April when they move in to 18th April when I fly....any offers??

Use "Comments" to leave Travel Tips please

If you have any tips or "must not miss" ideas for me as I travel, please use the comments function to leave them. Thanks

Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Now how do I invite peope to view my blog....??

Blog 2: the photo

Am just going to stick any old photo up here to see what it looks like when posted.
This is me diving off Cozumel, it was awesome and I highly recommend it, along with Isla Mujeres.

And on the 1st day I created blog...

This is my first blog entry and is a test. Testing...1...2...